Thursday, January 24, 2008

Backing up Accounting data for a CPA

Today I installed ClubBackup for a CPA's office. This gentleman has a very successful practice going. About 10 computers, several employees. And they were still backing up the old fashioned way. By manually taking a CD and either sticking it in a fire safe, or taking the CD home. They were the first to admit that they forget half the time.

I reminded them that the most frequent cause of a disaster in our area is a lightening strike. I can't tell you how many hard drives I've lost due to lightening. Even with high dollar surge suppressers.

Boy were they thrilled to learn about ClubBackup! They completely understood that if they had a fire, or a flood, that they would be in serious trouble.

It took literally 2 minutes to install ClubBackup, check off the folders that they wanted to protect, and we were done. And now they never ever have to worry about backups again. It's done. It's automatic.

Their exact words to me were "Since ClubBackup is so inexpensive, that EVERYONE should be using it. It's like insurance!" They plan on telling all their clients about it.

It sure is neat to be able to help people and see their reactions on their faces when the light bulb turns on over their head. It's a real pleasure to help people.

I hope all of you are having a good week. Take care!

Matt Porter
American Systems &

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More EZ Macros Q & A

Hi folks!

I had some more answers for your EZ Macros questions today. So lets get right to it.

1) How do I transfer (copy) all 60 macros from my office desktop to my traveling laptop with 38 macros?
2) EZ Macros acts strange in IE 7. What do I do?

1) How do I transfer (copy) all 60 macros from my office desktop to my traveling laptop with 38 macros?

On both computers you have a file that you have saved your macros too. They have a .ezm extension.

Copy the 60 macros file to your laptop.

In EZ Macros click File..Import. Then point to your macro file that you just copied. Then click .

This should add your 60 macros to your 38.

2) EZ Macros acts strange in IE 7. What do I do?

Add a space to the beginning of your macro. So a macro for typing your email address look like "". I just tried what you described and adding this space solved it.

This is a temporary "workaround". We will be fixing this in the next version of EZ Macros.

Finally - is really catching on folks. offers you Free Online Backup space. You will never again have to worry about your data, swapping out tapes or DVDs. You take 2 minutes to set it up and never ever again have to do anything. It's simply brainless. You'll love it. It's like having insurance for your data.